
CASEOVERSHOP company respects and protects your privacy. Below we provide important information about how we handle your personal data.

This Cookie Policy describes the processing of data collected through the use of cookies and similar technologies. This policy has been prepared in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union and applicable Slovenian legislation.

  1. about cookies

What are cookies and why are they necessary?

A cookie is a small piece of data that the website sends to the browser about your visit. This is how a website recognizes you, remembers information about your visit and offers you a simple and easy-to-use web service. Cookies help us adapt the content of our website, remember your preferences and record visits to our website. They make browsing our website a pleasant, fast and, above all, more efficient experience.

  1. Cookies we use

On our website, we use several categories of cookies separated into four categories:

  • necessary cookies,
  • analytical cookies,
  • functional cookies and
  • advertising cookies (marketing).

Necessary cookies are cookies without which our website could not function. These cookies are automatically placed on your device and cannot be disabled. Necessary cookies cannot identify you and exist only to ensure that the website is presented correctly.

Analytical cookies allow us to perform various statistical analyzes on our website. These cookies are used anonymously, which means they cannot identify you. You can deactivate the use of these cookies in your browser or via the "Cookie settings" banner at the bottom of our website.

Functional cookies are cookies that enable various functions on our website, such as language settings, retention of content in your shopping cart, etc. These cookies are placed on your device only with your prior consent.

Marketing cookies are used to provide personalized advertising services. Using data, these cookies draw up your profile through which you will only be shown advertisements that we consider interesting to you. These cookies are placed on your device only with your prior consent. We would like to alert you to the fact that refusing these cookies will not prevent the website from displaying advertisements, however, they will no longer be personalized based on your interests.

In addition to the aforementioned categories, we also distinguish first-party cookies from third-party cookies that operate on our website.

First-party cookies are cookies that belong to this website, i.e. cookies that have been placed on the website by our company or contractual processors. To learn more about our contract processors, please read our Privacy Policy.

Third party cookies are cookies placed by websites other than the website you are currently viewing, which allow us to serve you personalized advertisements. These cookies are used to monitor your internet usage, allowing us to show you advertisements that are relevant and interesting to you.

  1. Edit cookie preferences

You can decide whether you want to allow cookies to be stored on your device.

You can change your cookie settings at any time in the "Cookie Settings" banner at the bottom of the website.

When visiting our website, only necessary cookies and anonymous analytical cookies are automatically placed on your device, while preference and marketing cookies are placed on your device only with your consent.

How can I provide my consent?

When visiting our website for the first time, a pop-up window will open where you can choose the appropriate cookie settings. If you have already visited our website and confirmed the selected cookies, you can change these settings by clicking on "Cookie settings" at the bottom of our website. A new pop-up window will open where you can choose your cookie settings.

We would like to alert you to the fact that refusing to use cookies will not prevent the website from displaying advertisements, as the number of advertisements shown will be the same as the number of advertisements displayed if you have accepted cookies. If you refuse to accept advertising cookies, only general advertisements will be displayed and not advertisements tailored to your wishes and needs.

You can also monitor and change cookie settings in your browser.

If you change or delete your browser's cookie file or if you change/update your browser or device, you may be required to disable cookies again. Cookie management and deletion process depend on the browser in question. If you need help, you can consult the "User Support" section of your browser.

You can also deactivate Google Analytics at

To find out more about cookies, go to

  1. Purposes of using cookies on our website

On our website, cookies are used for the following purposes:

  • recognize the visitor on their next visit,
  • retain your product reviews,
  • analyze the website,
  • provide the website with security,
  • monitor and preserve the contents of your shopping cart (session cookies),
  • cookies to send messages about unfinished purchases,
  • video content operation,
  • operation of the website's chat function and
  • advertising.
  1. Your rights regarding the processing of personal data via cookies

In addition to editing your cookie preferences as described above, you also have the option to enforce your rights regarding the processing of personal data. These rights are detailed in our Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions or difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact us, please contact us via email: